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Showing posts with label Claim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claim. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Offshore Accidents ??????

Offshore Accidents - Maritime Lawyer - Offshore Lawsuits

Offshore Accidents - Maritime Lawyer - Offshore Lawsuits
By Todd Going

Offshore accidents might come few and far between, but when they do take place they often result in serious injuries or even fatalities. In addition, because these accidents are far away from land, they often make it difficult for getting the victims the proper medical attention they need, in a timely fashion.

Because of the Jones Act, many victims of offshore accidents are protected. This legislation, created in 1920, was designed to assist maritime employees after they become injured. Since then, this piece of legislation has assisted many sailors in recovering compensation following their offshore accidents.

In the US, admiralty law falls under the jurisdication of US district courts. However, when state law is an issue in the US, the maritime cases may have concurrent jurisdiction. Because of the wide range of state and local laws this can be extremely complex and challenging for the victim to understand.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of an offshore accident is is very important that you contact a qualified offshore accident attorney today. Experience and understanding of maritime law will help you fight for justice and receive the compensation you deserve. Time is limited, so it is important that you start your offshore lawsuit today!

To learn more about offshore accidents, drilling accidents [http://www.sddefenselawyers.com/accidents/] or maritime law, please visit our website at http://www.sddefenselawyers.com/offshore-accidents/ [http://www.sddefenselawyers.com/offshore-accidents/%20] This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Todd_Going/6678

18-Wheeler Accidents

What Are the Differences Between Passenger Vehicle Accidents and 18-Wheeler Accidents?

What Are the Differences Between Passenger Vehicle Accidents and 18-Wheeler Accidents?
By Mike Grossman

While it is certainly true that damages in an 18-wheeler accident case are typically much larger than those in other auto accidents, the truth is that, from a legal standpoint, these cases are not similar. Litigating an 18-wheeler accident lawsuit is much more complex and technical than litigating a passenger car accident lawsuit, and you should not attempt to win this legal battle alone. Thankfully, there are many attorneys who specialize in 18-wheeler accident claims to help you understand what your options are and how to seek justice. When looking for a lawyer, shop around. Don't pick the first one you find in the phone book or internet search. Make sure the lawyer you choose has experience and more importantly success in dealing with 18-wheeler accident claims.

Commercial Insurance Adjusters

The commercial insurance policies protecting trucking companies and their drivers are typically worth fifty times more than a standard passenger vehicle policy. This means that there is a lot of money on the line for trucking companies and their insurance providers, and they will go to great lengths to avoid paying you. The commercial insurance adjusters employed by these insurance carriers are crafty. They know that most accident victims have no idea how complex a trucking accident can be from a legal standpoint. Insurance adjusters often approach accident victims shortly after they arrive at a hospital and begin bombarding them with questions about their accident. In most cases, they act friendly and cooperative, as if they just want to find out what happened so they can help you file your insurance claim.

Unfortunately, this could not be farther from the truth. These insurance adjusters have one goal: to deny your insurance claim. They have many ways of doing this, but the most straightforward is to get you to accidentally say something incriminating. They may ask you to describe your accident, and then they will paraphrase the situation back to you, as if to make sure they have understood what happened. However, in most cases, they have subtly altered what you said in particular ways, and once you agree to their summary of the events, you have likely accepted partial liability for your injuries. Talking to insurance adjusters without the help of an experienced lawyer can only damage your claim, and it is imperative that you seek legal representation as soon as possible so that your rights are protected. Our attorneys know every trick insurance adjusters have up their sleeve, and we can ensure that they do not damage your claim.

Filing a Lawsuit

Many 18-wheeler accident victims also make the mistake of assuming that they can frighten insurance companies into offering them a fair settlement if they threaten to file a lawsuit. However, the truth is that non-attorneys simply cannot win these lawsuits. Trucking companies have a team of defense lawyers on retainer, and these lawyers have shut down hundreds of lawsuits filed by accident victims. Trucking companies know that you stand no chance against this team of professionals, and so they will not be frightened by your attempts to sue at all. Do you know how to prove up damages? Submit a demand packet? Respond to a list of admissions? If not, you probably are not prepared to represent yourself in court.

Our Attorneys Are Here To Help You Seek Justice

Insurance companies may not be scared of a lawsuit filed by non-attorneys, but they are scared of lawsuits filed by us. 18-wheeler accident lawyer Michael Grossman from Grossman Law Offices has twenty years of experience helping 18-wheeler accident victims, and he has successfully litigated hundreds of 18-wheeler accident cases. He has settled high-profile claims, including several that resulted in multi-million dollar settlements. He is intimately familiar with truck accident law as established by both state regulations and the Federal Motor Safety Carriers Administration. He knows how insurance adjusters and truck accident defense lawyers operate, and he knows how to fight them. Insurance carriers and trucking companies know how successful our firm has been, and they often offer our clients large settlements so that they do not have to face our attorneys in court. In other words, we can help you get back on your feet quickly, and often without even going to court. Of course, we will fight aggressively in trial to defend your rights if it comes to that. No matter what it takes, our attorneys will help you seek the compensation you need. So if you or someone in your family has been injured in an 18-wheeler accident, contact Waco 18-wheeler accident attorney Michael Grossman today for a free consultation. Let the legal professionals at Grossman Law Offices help you seek the justice you deserve.

Michael Grossman is an experienced San Antonio lawyer [http://www.injurylawyersofsanantonio.com] and the founder of Grossman Law Offices. Michael has dedicated the last 20 years of his career to fighting for the rights of accident victims and their families.

Michael earned his doctorate of jurisprudence from the esteemed Baylor School of Law prior to graduating from The University of Alabama on a with a bachelors degree in Business Administration. While attending the University of Alabama, Michael lettered in tennis for three years.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mike_Grossman/715782

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - Why Do You Need One?

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - Why Do You Need One?
By Phineas Gray

Motorcycle accidents are common road incidents that take place frequently these days. They generally involve collision between one or more motorcycles. They can have pretty serious outcomes and can even lead to a person's death. After such mishaps one needs to get help from his/her insurance company to get financial help in covering the damages. To make the whole process smooth, hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer is the best option.

A motorcycle accident lawyer is a legal representative who has undergone training in the field of law and is well versed with the implications of such cases.

Here are a few advantages of hiring a personal injury lawyer.

1. A motorcycle accident lawyer is a person who holds specialty in the field and can fight your case with precision. He knows the ramifications that are involved in a legal course of action. He can estimate the chances of your case and you can thereby get a clear idea of what would be the outcome of such a case.

2. A professional attorney can conduct you through the intricate legal methods.

3. A lawyer is in steady contact with the various important officials at the court. So, he must be updated with all the newest law procedures.

4. A major advantage of hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer can guarantee you that your case is being dealt by someone who is proficient in this field and knows very well what should be the subsequent step. So, you can relieve your mind of the tension and stress.

5. A lawyer will be representing you at the court. He is the person who knows how to present your case with all the assembled evidences.

It is absolutely necessary to get in touch with a professional lawyer to fight your case. However, you must know the right way to look for the right person who can fight for your rights.


He must be qualified enough to take your case. Do check the certifications and educational documents to make sure that he is capable.


Level of experience matters a lot while choosing a good lawyer. An experienced attorney must know about the probable outcomes of a case thoroughly.


Ask your acquaintances, relatives and friends regarding the reputed lawyers in your area who are known to have good advocacy skills.

The last thing you would want after facing a miserable accident is to hire an inefficient motorcycle accident lawyer. Delaware citizens can seek expert assistance from the lawyers attached to a renowned law firm. In fact, you can also follow in their footsteps and benefit from a wise choice.

motorcycle accident lawyer Delaware - When in need of advice from a motorcycle accident lawyer, Delaware residents prefer to hire someone from The Lyons Law Firm.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Phineas_Gray/280252

Monday, May 24, 2021

222. HOW TO Tie shoes | Hướng dẫn cách buộc dây giày đẹp ấn tượng,đơn gi...

About Cord Blood

The Facts About Cord Blood Banking

The Facts About Cord Blood Banking
By Brenna Smithy

Parents are often opting these days to save their newborn's umbilical blood for the possibility the baby or a close family member might need it to treat a disease. Statistics available so far indicate only a one in 2700 chance the baby will need the cord blood and a one in 1400 chance other near family members may need it. However, this blood can be used for non-family members and is being used to treat diseases and save lives. It is less likely the blood will be a match for non-family members but many matches are made successfully.

Cord blood banking is the process of obtaining and storing a newborns umbilical blood. The umbilical cord is the cord that attaches from the babies belly button to the placenta in the mother's womb during pregnancy. The umbilical cord is the channel for provision of nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus. Until recently the umbilical cord and the placenta were considered medical waste and simply disposed of after birth.

Stem cells, researchers discovered, could cure many diseases such as leukemia and help others such as brain injury and Alzheimer's. Umbilical cord blood is full of these precious stem cells. Cerebral palsy has been successfully treated with stem cells. As research continues it is believed even more uses for stem cells such as spinal cord repair will be discovers. Stem cell research is at the cutting edge of medicine and the possibilities for new healing modalities for diseases using stem cells are enormous.

Harvesting umbilical blood is totally painless to both mother and child. If you wish to donate your child's cord blood or harvest for private or public use you need to let your doctor and the bank of your choice know by the 34th week of pregnancy. The cord bank will send professionals to collect the blood from the umbilical cord after it is cut and the placenta has been delivered.

Approximately 80ml or the equivalent of 3 ounces of blood is collected. The blood needs to be collected within 10 to fifteen minutes of birth which is why arrangements must be made ahead of time. The collection of this blood does not interfere with the birth in any way. Donating to a public bank is free of charge.

After collection the cord blood is tested for any diseases. If any such diseases are discovered the family will be notified. The blood is then processed and slowly frozen to -196 degrees. The blood can be stored indefinitely so long as the temp is maintained. Cord banks have multiple back up sources of power to avoid any loss of this precious resource.

If you can afford to harvest and store your newborns cord blood by all means does so. Banking can give you peace of mind for the future health of your child. If you cannot afford to harvest and store your newborns cord blood considers donating it. It cost you nothing and is painless but may save someone's life. The cord and its blood are simply discarded if it is not harvested and will help no one. Who knows, maybe someone else's donated cord blood will help you or a family member one day.

Cord blood banking can be done privately or publicly. Public banks take donations or blood from any child whose parent decides to give that gift. Some parents cannot afford the price to store their child's cord blood but nonetheless decide to donate it to a bank so that others can be helped.

Private cord banks have an initial set up cost of 1500-2500 dollars and a yearly fee to store the blood of 100-150 dollars. Some public banks will agree to keep a portion of the blood for family use if the rest is made available for general public use. Research which cord blood bank you wish to use carefully and when you have decided give your baby or perhaps someone else the precious gift of life.

For more information on cord banking check out my article at [http://www.chordbloodbanking.net/why-are-stem-cells-important/]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Brenna_Smithy/924225

International Money Transfers ???????

Learn More About International Money Transfers

Learn More About International Money Transfers
By Aman Tumukur Khanna

There are so many tasks that have been made simpler and more effective with the advent of technology and the World Wide Web, shrinking the world and making it a more connected one. Remote connectivity is a term now more often used within closed spaces rather than referring to a place far, far away.

One of them involving people and finances is International Money Transfer. Also known as Wire Transfer, Telegraphic Transfer or Online Transfer, it is the most convenient, quick and secure method of money or funds transfer from one account to another account overseas. This is used for several purposes, domestic as well as commercial. In a domestic form, it can be used to send money to a family member or a friend in another country; in a commercial sense, it can be used to purchase goods, make payments for bills or pay advances for a holiday or vacation or any other purpose. However there are specific amount limits and rules governing such money transactions; if these laws are not adhered to, the transaction may not take place. Such laws have been put in place to prevent money laundering and other illegal activities concerning movement of funds for illegal and unlawful purposes.

In simple terms, money transfer allows money to travel from state to state or from one country to another country through banking and financial companies.

Basic requirements to arrange money transfers

There are some necessary requirements for international money transfers; these procedures may vary in stages from country to country but by and large, they are standard norms.

1. Proof of identification - The person arranging the money transfer through a bank or company has to produce identification proof. International money transfers require a photo id; usually a facsimile of a certified copy of the photo id is sent to the bank. If the id is not current or invalid for some reason, the money will not be transferred.

2. Amount limits - Location transfers allow some relaxation if money is sent or received in person but for online transfers there are regulations for the amount of money transferred in a single transaction or on any given day. Multiple transactions are possible if they are needed; these also control money laundering to some extent.

3. Transfer fees - By law the bank or company transferring the money is given the right to charge a service fee for the transaction; this fee varies from bank to bank and also on the type of service provided.

Online money transfers

This option helps the sender transfer the money using the Internet. The sender is required to create an account after which the money can be transferred. However, the receiver of the money transfer is required to collect the money in person after establishing his or her identity through documentation proof because this is a requirement for verification. The details and records of senders and receivers of such transactions are kept on record by the company and each transfer is controlled through a 'money transfer control number'.

Credit or Wire Transfer

This is another method of 'electronic funds transfer' from one person to another person using bank accounts of the sender and receiver. Different operators of wire transfer systems provide various options; these are relative to the volume of the transfer as well as the purpose it is intended for. RTGS or 'real time gross settlement' is known to be the quickest way of funds transfer because it is 'real time' or immediate and irrevocable transfer of funds. The faster transfer method allows less time for fluctuations in currency while in transit enabling sender and receiver to gain the benefit of value and volume of funds.

To know more about top 10 money transfer or evermoney, please check our website.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Aman_Tumukur_Khanna/1972047

How Claim ????

How to File an Insurance Claim - Early Bird Gets the Worm

How to File an Insurance Claim - Early Bird Gets the Worm
By George Halfkenny

Most homeowners want to know how to file an insurance claim successfully. Filing an Insurance Claim with minimum hassle is the goal of most property owners. Well to that end, it is important for everyone to be sure they cooperate with authorities (Police, Fire, Emergency Services, etc) and follow all policies and directions provided. During emergency situations, your main goal has to be the safety of you and your family, but this does not mean procrastinating on your Insurance Claim. You have to get your Insurance Claim Submitted as quickly as possible.

Emergency situations like tornadoes, hurricanes and fire damage claims make Insurance Companies cringe. Why? Because when the word "emergency" and "insured loss" are used in the same sentence, it usually means they will be spending money. Plus, they will have to hire additional Insurance Adjusters to handle claims and explain to homeowners how to file insurance claims.

When is the last time "smoke billowing out of the hood of your car" was a cheap or affordable repair? In my case, this would be never. Emergencies do not happen often, but when they do occur they are usually expensive. Emergencies make us all cringe because these are the times when we must increase our expenses to cover the unforeseen situation.

For a second, I want you to think about a tornado emergency like Christmas (In July). It sounds silly, but imagine the Insurance Company as 'Mom and Dad' and the homeowner as the 'Kids'. If you are having a difficult time with this example, just imagine 8 kids that all go to a nice private school, and 2, Mike and Missy, that are in an alternative Art School and are enrolled in the Finance Program for extra credits. Last semester they did a research paper on "How to File an Insurance Claim" and earned extra time to paint, which is their true passion.

So it is May 29th and Mom and Dad (the Insurance Company) are starting to think about the season. They know it is around the corner and want to make sure that on Christmas morning, everyone feels they were treated fairly, even Mike and Missy (who swore going to the Art School would count as all Birthday and Christmas gifts for the year.) So they start talking about the Christmas forecast and determine that it should be a calm season, everyone's expectations are in line with what they want...no big expenditures. With a nice, lean budget in mind they relax and look forward to a mellow and peaceful summer with the kids.

Mom and Dad work for a big Financial Firm and June is a busy month for them. As they deal with closing the books, they are unable to find time to go shopping for the kids. Mom has been working on a new best seller "How to File an Insurance Claim for Funny Folks". As the end of June approaches, they look forward to July and know they will be able to find time to get all the shop for the kids done.

June is done and July is here. Actually, it is not just July, it is July 10th and our Tornado Emergency has hit. Mom and Dad (Insurance Companies) are scrambling to figure out whats on everyone's Christmas Wish List (what damages were done) and settle (claims) what can be settled quickly.

Time is ticking and Mom is rushing out to the mall looking for a hockey stick for Joe. It is affordable, it will make him happy, and it is the only thing he wanted so she figured she would start there and get it out of the way fast. While at the mall, she calls Dad and proclaims that she has figured out gifts for 5 of the kids.

If she buys these gifts, they will exceed their budget. The upside is they will have 6 kids squared away and only have 4 more to buy for. Dad asks "Which kids? Who are the gifts for?" Mom runs through the list quickly "Missy, Jimmy, Joe, Joan, and Mark). Dad is concerned about spending so much on Missy and Mark because the other kids might feel jilted. Everyone knows they are paying double the tuition for the "Art School" and that is a big drain on the family account, but he says OK. (Important note: Mark, Missy and Joe know how to File Insurance Claims)

Mom buys the gifts and knows the kids will be happy. No complaints.

As she is strolling through the mall, Karin her youngest, calls and proclaims that a famous rock star will be coming to town next month. (Note: Karin also knows how to file insurance claims) The local radio station is giving away tickets to callers every hour. Karin and her friend are wondering when she will be home so they can use her phone. Mom says about an hour and they end their call.

Eureka! One more kid down! Karin is getting tickets to the concert, whether she likes it or not! In a hot mess, she heads down to the Concert Ticket Window to buy tickets for Karin and her friend. Mom does not bother calling Dad, she knows he will be stressed about sending their 13 year old to the concert, so she makes the decision herself.

Got kids? Got Tickets? $350 Poorer? That s how mom felt after draining the Charge Card. This was no rosy commercial. Christmas (The Tornado) is draining the family coffer and fast. Mom wonders if Karin took the chance to take advantage of the situation and trick her into buying the tickets. No time to think about it now, done is done.

When Mom got home, she showed Dad all the gifts she had bought. They looked at the receipts and gasped. Dad does not seem as upset about Karin going to the concert, but he is mad that mom spent so much. Thoughts of all the remaining stuff to be done this Season made their butt cheeks pucker.

  • 3 More Kids to buy for
  • A turkey
  • The Office Holiday Party

Gifts (Settlements) for 7 of the 10 kids are complete. Hopefully those kids will remain happy. After much deliberation, they decided to better review and properly examine the gifts and expenses that remain. (Note: In our example: these kids do not know how to file insurance claims) Over the next 10 days they shop around and find, skates for Brenda ($25), a Painting Kit for Sally ($45) and a Royal Blue Fuzzy Hat for George ($3.) P.S. - George asked for the Fuzzy Hat in Black last year....so I am sure he will love it:-)

Moral of the Story: Early Bird Gets the Worm. Know how to file insurance claims and get your claim in early.

During an emergency, the large Insurance Companies, Emergency Services, and other Service Agencies are caught in a mad rush to get the situation under control quickly. All Homeowner are in need of insurance claims help and rushing to submit homeowner insurance claims. In the beginning, everyone is working to insure people are safe and the rebuilding is started immediately. As the situation unfolds, in our case a Tornado named Christmas, more processes and procedures are put in place that slow the flow of money. New rules for how to file an insurance claim are implemented. Systems are developed to minimize the insurance claim problems and possible insurance claim fraud that plagued the earlier days. The short story is...the Early Bird Gets the Worm, experiences less hassle, but the early bird needs to be informed, prepared and on top of their claim.

If homeowners start thinking about their Insurance Claims like the Holiday season, they will realize that getting things done as soon as possible is critical. It is important to get your claim in EARLY & PROMPTLY, but you must know the type of claim and nature of your loss before you submit your claim. Is your loss covered by YOUR Policy? What documentation will the Insurance Company need? When will you be paid? How do you make sure your claim is handled quickly?

The answer to these questions is very important and determines when and how your claim will be handled. Learn how to file insurance claims so you do things the right way. When filling out forms, make sure you have the details correct, as mistakes or inconsistencies may cause your claim to be denied or delayed. Confirm everything is correct before you submit your claim.

Before filing home insurance claims, you must understand the type of claim you are submitting. Homeowners insurance provides protection for you, but only for the losses described in your Insurance as a home owner insurance policy. Home Insurance can save you and your family from the monetary loss experienced with the damage or loss of your home, and your valuables inside it. There is a wide array of home insurance policies. Nonetheless, it is important to know that Insurance Policies vary from state-to-state and provider-to-provider.

As an Insurance Consumer it is important to understand the Insurance Claim Process. Know the different directions your claim can go from the moment you submit your claim will help save you time and maximize your settlement amount. If you are searching for answers on How to File Insurance Claims, Insurance Claim Advice or need Insurance Claim Help, the information you need is hear. Gain access to tools, resources, and information that will empower you to handle your claim successfully.

George (Georgina-Tina) Halfkenny [http://theinsuranceclaimspecialists.com/toolkit] is a licensed Public Insurance Adjuster in Florida, Colorado, Georgia, West Virginia, Tennessee, and South Carolina and North Carolina. She is an active Insurance Consumer Advocate and regularly writes articles to help homeowners dealing with Insurance Claims. She designed The Insurance Claim Specialists [http://theinsuranceclaimspecialists.com/toolkit] site to share her experience and knowledge with Homeowners dealing with Insurance Claims. The Insurance Claim Specialists site showcases the best tools, forms, resources and information for those dealing with a Home Insurance Claims. Visit George's site to use the free Claim Analyzer, access valuable forms and learn how to file insurance claims. Gain the answers you need to take control of your Home Insurance Claim and settle your claim for it's maximum value.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/George_Halfkenny/532539