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Showing posts with label Classes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Classes. Show all posts

Monday, May 24, 2021

About Cord Blood

The Facts About Cord Blood Banking

The Facts About Cord Blood Banking
By Brenna Smithy

Parents are often opting these days to save their newborn's umbilical blood for the possibility the baby or a close family member might need it to treat a disease. Statistics available so far indicate only a one in 2700 chance the baby will need the cord blood and a one in 1400 chance other near family members may need it. However, this blood can be used for non-family members and is being used to treat diseases and save lives. It is less likely the blood will be a match for non-family members but many matches are made successfully.

Cord blood banking is the process of obtaining and storing a newborns umbilical blood. The umbilical cord is the cord that attaches from the babies belly button to the placenta in the mother's womb during pregnancy. The umbilical cord is the channel for provision of nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus. Until recently the umbilical cord and the placenta were considered medical waste and simply disposed of after birth.

Stem cells, researchers discovered, could cure many diseases such as leukemia and help others such as brain injury and Alzheimer's. Umbilical cord blood is full of these precious stem cells. Cerebral palsy has been successfully treated with stem cells. As research continues it is believed even more uses for stem cells such as spinal cord repair will be discovers. Stem cell research is at the cutting edge of medicine and the possibilities for new healing modalities for diseases using stem cells are enormous.

Harvesting umbilical blood is totally painless to both mother and child. If you wish to donate your child's cord blood or harvest for private or public use you need to let your doctor and the bank of your choice know by the 34th week of pregnancy. The cord bank will send professionals to collect the blood from the umbilical cord after it is cut and the placenta has been delivered.

Approximately 80ml or the equivalent of 3 ounces of blood is collected. The blood needs to be collected within 10 to fifteen minutes of birth which is why arrangements must be made ahead of time. The collection of this blood does not interfere with the birth in any way. Donating to a public bank is free of charge.

After collection the cord blood is tested for any diseases. If any such diseases are discovered the family will be notified. The blood is then processed and slowly frozen to -196 degrees. The blood can be stored indefinitely so long as the temp is maintained. Cord banks have multiple back up sources of power to avoid any loss of this precious resource.

If you can afford to harvest and store your newborns cord blood by all means does so. Banking can give you peace of mind for the future health of your child. If you cannot afford to harvest and store your newborns cord blood considers donating it. It cost you nothing and is painless but may save someone's life. The cord and its blood are simply discarded if it is not harvested and will help no one. Who knows, maybe someone else's donated cord blood will help you or a family member one day.

Cord blood banking can be done privately or publicly. Public banks take donations or blood from any child whose parent decides to give that gift. Some parents cannot afford the price to store their child's cord blood but nonetheless decide to donate it to a bank so that others can be helped.

Private cord banks have an initial set up cost of 1500-2500 dollars and a yearly fee to store the blood of 100-150 dollars. Some public banks will agree to keep a portion of the blood for family use if the rest is made available for general public use. Research which cord blood bank you wish to use carefully and when you have decided give your baby or perhaps someone else the precious gift of life.

For more information on cord banking check out my article at [http://www.chordbloodbanking.net/why-are-stem-cells-important/]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Brenna_Smithy/924225

Covid19 time ? Online CNA Classes

Online CNA Classes - Advantages and Disadvantages

Online CNA Classes - Advantages and Disadvantages
By Subodh Maheshwari

A certified nursing aide is a direct patient care worker, who provides daily routine cares to long-term care patients with chronic illness, injuries and disabilities, and assist them with activities of daily livings (ADL) such as bathing, feeding, grooming, toileting, dressing, walking and more. CNAs gain necessary acumen and skills to serve the residents through the state-approved Nurse Aide Training Program. The training program is specifically developed by the different state's health departments in order to train nurse aides in direct patient care. The OBRA-87 legislation also mandates nurse aides to complete a CNA training program, and pass the competency examination to be eligible to work in approved, and licensed facilities.

The nursing students can complete their CNA training programs in different ways. They can enroll in a technical institute, vocational school, community college, trade school, long-term care facility, American Red Cross Class, or Online CNA Classes for their nursing assistant education. Although, both online and regular CNA classes are appropriate for nursing education, there are still certain differences between the traditional and online classes.

Regular classes Vs Online Classes

  1. Regular CNA programs are campus based schools and colleges. The theoretical instructions and clinical hands-on experience are provided through the classrooms and long-term care facilities respectively. The classes are run at a fixed- time schedule, day, evening or night, and at a permanent location. The ratio of students and teachers are fixed for both the classroom education and clinical training. The physical presence of the instructors and students throughout the training period allow face-to-face discourse and interaction with each other.

  2. Online CNA Classes are internet based training programs and conducted online through a computer with a Broad Band connection. There is no fixed-time schedule for attending the classes. The classes are open 24 x 7 days. The students from any part of the world can attend the training programs at their free leisurely hours, any time, day or night. The students and teachers ratio are also not fixed, and there is also no location problem because any number of students from any corner of the world can attend online classes through a computer.

Although, both Regular and online classes are popular among the nursing students, the attraction toward online classes is increasing day-by-day. The basic reasons for the wider acceptance of online nursing assistant classes among the student population can be summed up as follows:

  1. The flexible time schedules of online classes are most ideal for working professionals, people with a tight work schedule or family commitments because they can attend online classes at their free hours, without disturbing their busy schedules.
  2. The students staying in faraway and distant places, and not able to attend campus based programs due to distance and location problems can easily attend internet CNA education through a computer.
  3. The course curriculum of both regular and online nurse aide classes is same.
  4. Internet classes are open 24 x 7 x 365 days. Nursing students just have to browse the training provider's online site anytime, day or night to attend the classes.
  5. Online instructions are provided through notes, videos, images and assignments.

Online CNA Classes Disadvantages

Online CNA Classes are also, not without any cons. There are also certain disadvantages of Internet classes including the students lack physical interactions with their teachers, and they are not aware of online lectures and instructions quality. Majority internet classes do not provide clinical training arrangements. The students will have to arrange clinical hands-on experience on their own in a local hospital, or long-term care facility. Many states do not approve and recognize online nursing classes, and only certify these graduating students with a certification who successfully complete their trainings through approved schools and colleges. Many online training providers are fake and enrolling and attending these phony classes may waste your training costs and valuable time.

The only solution for overcoming these shortcomings is to verify online classes, find out their accreditation and credential, lectures quality, and clinical training arrangements. Applicants can read different online CNA classes reviews on Internet fir its authentication and discuss the quality of the classes on online forums. They can also find out about these classes through the past nursing assistant students who may have completed online CNA classes.

You can also visit nurse aide online classes [http://www.topcnaclasses.com/cna-guide/online-cna-classes/] for information such as online nurse aide classes course, admission requirements, and ways to find the best online.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Subodh_Maheshwari/660046