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Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Risk Factors for Covid-19 Infection

Risk Factors for Covid-19 Infection

Risk Factors for Covid-19 Infection
By Dr. Pran Rangan

Covid-19 is an acronym of coronavirus disease 2019. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common throughout the world. They can cause respiratory illness in people and animals. This particular one originated in China at the end of 2019 in the city of Wuhan. In the past two decades, coronavirus outbreaks have caused global concern, including one in 2003 with the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and more recently in 2012 with the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

Covid-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 that can trigger what doctors call a respiratory tract infection. It can affect the upper respiratory tract, viz. sinuses, nose, and throat or lower respiratory tract, viz. windpipe, and lungs. Severe cases can lead to serious respiratory disease, and even pneumonia.

On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the Covid-19 outbreak a global health emergency. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared it a global pandemic.

Risk factors -

The following are the risk factors that are likely to predispose the people to Covid-19 infection -

Age 65 years and older -

People, who are 65 years and older, are at a higher risk of Covid-19 infection due to their decreased immunity. They are more likely to have some associated co-morbidities like diabetes, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Also, the course of disease tends to be more severe in them resulting in higher mortality. However, its transmission among the elderly population can be reduced by taking appropriate preventive measures.

Chronic lung disease and asthma -

People with asthma are more likely to catch Covid-19. The hospital data shows that respiratory patients are more likely to experience severe complications. As there is still no cure for it, the best action that people can take is to protect themselves from infection. The same is the case with other chronic lung diseases.

Serious heart conditions -

Covid-19 causes direct damage to the lungs and triggers an inflammatory response, which places stress on the cardiovascular system in two ways, viz. by infecting the lungs the blood oxygen levels drop and the inflammatory effects of the virus itself cause the blood pressure to drop as well. In such cases, the heart must beat faster and harder to supply oxygen to major organs.

According to the European Society of Cardiology, individuals with heart conditions such as heart failure, dilated cardiomyopathy, advanced forms of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, and patients with congenital cyanotic heart disease are at the highest risk.

Severe obesity -

There are increasing number of reports that have linked obesity to more severe Covid-19 infection and death. Obesity reduces the protective cardio-respiratory reserves and weakens the immune regulation that appears likely to help the progression to critical stage of the disease.

Researchers found that among individuals with Covid-19 aged less than 60 years in New York City, those with a BMI between 30-34 Kg/m2 and greater than 35 Kg/m2 were 1.8 times and 3.6 times more likely to be admitted to critical care respectively than individuals with a BMI lesser than 30 Kg/m2.

A new study published in 2020 in Diabetes Care concluded that patients with Covid-19 are two and a half times more likely to have severe pneumonia if they are obese than if they are not. Obesity brings with itself a chronic inflammatory state. Whether obesity is an independent risk factor for susceptibility to infection requires further research.

Diabetes -

Diabetes is a risk factor for hospitalization and mortality of the Covid-19 infection. Diabetics have impaired immune response to infection concerning cytokine profile and changes in immune-responses including T-cell and macrophage activation. Poor glycemic control impairs several aspects of the immune response to viral infection and also to the potential bacterial secondary infection in the lungs. Poor glycemic control is a risk factor for Covid-19 infection and its adverse outcomes. Hence the importance of tight glycemic control in diabetics cannot be overlooked.

Chronic kidney disease -

People with chronic kidney disease are at an increased risk of the infection. People on dialysis can have weaker immune systems, making it harder to fight infections. Nonetheless, the kidney patients need to continue with their regularly scheduled dialysis treatments and to take necessary precautions as recommended by their healthcare provider.

People with a kidney transplant need to take anti-rejection medicines, also known as immunosuppressive medicines, which keep the immune system less active.

Liver disease -

All patients with liver disease are at risk of adverse outcomes from the virus. Also, some people with certain liver conditions are extremely vulnerable. They include people on immune-suppression for a liver transplant or for autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and people with liver cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy.

Immune-compromised people -

A person of any age group can become immune-compromised. The conditions that can cause a person to be immune-compromised include cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications.

There are reports that, in some Covid-19 patients, death has occurred probably due to a cytokine storm, when the immune system goes into overdrive, thereby damaging even healthy tissue that may lead to multiple organ failure, sepsis, and even death.

Conclusion -

Certain people are at high risk for a severe infection if they catch Covid-19. Everyone needs to take steps to protect themselves and others from catching or spreading it. But people belonging to a high risk category must take all the necessary precautions to protect themselves.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dr._Pran_Rangan/2322082

Offshore Accidents ??????

Offshore Accidents - Maritime Lawyer - Offshore Lawsuits

Offshore Accidents - Maritime Lawyer - Offshore Lawsuits
By Todd Going

Offshore accidents might come few and far between, but when they do take place they often result in serious injuries or even fatalities. In addition, because these accidents are far away from land, they often make it difficult for getting the victims the proper medical attention they need, in a timely fashion.

Because of the Jones Act, many victims of offshore accidents are protected. This legislation, created in 1920, was designed to assist maritime employees after they become injured. Since then, this piece of legislation has assisted many sailors in recovering compensation following their offshore accidents.

In the US, admiralty law falls under the jurisdication of US district courts. However, when state law is an issue in the US, the maritime cases may have concurrent jurisdiction. Because of the wide range of state and local laws this can be extremely complex and challenging for the victim to understand.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of an offshore accident is is very important that you contact a qualified offshore accident attorney today. Experience and understanding of maritime law will help you fight for justice and receive the compensation you deserve. Time is limited, so it is important that you start your offshore lawsuit today!

To learn more about offshore accidents, drilling accidents [http://www.sddefenselawyers.com/accidents/] or maritime law, please visit our website at http://www.sddefenselawyers.com/offshore-accidents/ [http://www.sddefenselawyers.com/offshore-accidents/%20] This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Todd_Going/6678

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - Why Do You Need One?

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - Why Do You Need One?
By Phineas Gray

Motorcycle accidents are common road incidents that take place frequently these days. They generally involve collision between one or more motorcycles. They can have pretty serious outcomes and can even lead to a person's death. After such mishaps one needs to get help from his/her insurance company to get financial help in covering the damages. To make the whole process smooth, hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer is the best option.

A motorcycle accident lawyer is a legal representative who has undergone training in the field of law and is well versed with the implications of such cases.

Here are a few advantages of hiring a personal injury lawyer.

1. A motorcycle accident lawyer is a person who holds specialty in the field and can fight your case with precision. He knows the ramifications that are involved in a legal course of action. He can estimate the chances of your case and you can thereby get a clear idea of what would be the outcome of such a case.

2. A professional attorney can conduct you through the intricate legal methods.

3. A lawyer is in steady contact with the various important officials at the court. So, he must be updated with all the newest law procedures.

4. A major advantage of hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer can guarantee you that your case is being dealt by someone who is proficient in this field and knows very well what should be the subsequent step. So, you can relieve your mind of the tension and stress.

5. A lawyer will be representing you at the court. He is the person who knows how to present your case with all the assembled evidences.

It is absolutely necessary to get in touch with a professional lawyer to fight your case. However, you must know the right way to look for the right person who can fight for your rights.


He must be qualified enough to take your case. Do check the certifications and educational documents to make sure that he is capable.


Level of experience matters a lot while choosing a good lawyer. An experienced attorney must know about the probable outcomes of a case thoroughly.


Ask your acquaintances, relatives and friends regarding the reputed lawyers in your area who are known to have good advocacy skills.

The last thing you would want after facing a miserable accident is to hire an inefficient motorcycle accident lawyer. Delaware citizens can seek expert assistance from the lawyers attached to a renowned law firm. In fact, you can also follow in their footsteps and benefit from a wise choice.

motorcycle accident lawyer Delaware - When in need of advice from a motorcycle accident lawyer, Delaware residents prefer to hire someone from The Lyons Law Firm.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Phineas_Gray/280252

Monday, May 24, 2021

About Cord Blood

The Facts About Cord Blood Banking

The Facts About Cord Blood Banking
By Brenna Smithy

Parents are often opting these days to save their newborn's umbilical blood for the possibility the baby or a close family member might need it to treat a disease. Statistics available so far indicate only a one in 2700 chance the baby will need the cord blood and a one in 1400 chance other near family members may need it. However, this blood can be used for non-family members and is being used to treat diseases and save lives. It is less likely the blood will be a match for non-family members but many matches are made successfully.

Cord blood banking is the process of obtaining and storing a newborns umbilical blood. The umbilical cord is the cord that attaches from the babies belly button to the placenta in the mother's womb during pregnancy. The umbilical cord is the channel for provision of nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus. Until recently the umbilical cord and the placenta were considered medical waste and simply disposed of after birth.

Stem cells, researchers discovered, could cure many diseases such as leukemia and help others such as brain injury and Alzheimer's. Umbilical cord blood is full of these precious stem cells. Cerebral palsy has been successfully treated with stem cells. As research continues it is believed even more uses for stem cells such as spinal cord repair will be discovers. Stem cell research is at the cutting edge of medicine and the possibilities for new healing modalities for diseases using stem cells are enormous.

Harvesting umbilical blood is totally painless to both mother and child. If you wish to donate your child's cord blood or harvest for private or public use you need to let your doctor and the bank of your choice know by the 34th week of pregnancy. The cord bank will send professionals to collect the blood from the umbilical cord after it is cut and the placenta has been delivered.

Approximately 80ml or the equivalent of 3 ounces of blood is collected. The blood needs to be collected within 10 to fifteen minutes of birth which is why arrangements must be made ahead of time. The collection of this blood does not interfere with the birth in any way. Donating to a public bank is free of charge.

After collection the cord blood is tested for any diseases. If any such diseases are discovered the family will be notified. The blood is then processed and slowly frozen to -196 degrees. The blood can be stored indefinitely so long as the temp is maintained. Cord banks have multiple back up sources of power to avoid any loss of this precious resource.

If you can afford to harvest and store your newborns cord blood by all means does so. Banking can give you peace of mind for the future health of your child. If you cannot afford to harvest and store your newborns cord blood considers donating it. It cost you nothing and is painless but may save someone's life. The cord and its blood are simply discarded if it is not harvested and will help no one. Who knows, maybe someone else's donated cord blood will help you or a family member one day.

Cord blood banking can be done privately or publicly. Public banks take donations or blood from any child whose parent decides to give that gift. Some parents cannot afford the price to store their child's cord blood but nonetheless decide to donate it to a bank so that others can be helped.

Private cord banks have an initial set up cost of 1500-2500 dollars and a yearly fee to store the blood of 100-150 dollars. Some public banks will agree to keep a portion of the blood for family use if the rest is made available for general public use. Research which cord blood bank you wish to use carefully and when you have decided give your baby or perhaps someone else the precious gift of life.

For more information on cord banking check out my article at [http://www.chordbloodbanking.net/why-are-stem-cells-important/]

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Brenna_Smithy/924225

Try SMART Recovery ???????

4 Reasons to Try SMART Recovery If 12 Step Meetings Aren't Your Thing

4 Reasons to Try SMART Recovery If 12 Step Meetings Aren't Your Thing
By Randy Withers

Today we are highlighting treatment resources for substance abuse and addictions. While the general public may be aware of Twelve Step groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), there are other alternatives. SMART Recovery� is one such organization that is gaining popularity.

This is taken directly from their website:

SMART Recovery� is the leading self-empowering addiction recovery support group. Our participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups.

The SMART Recovery� 4-Point Program� helps people recover from all types of addiction and addictive behaviors, including: drug abuse, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, prescription drug abuse, sexual addiction, and problem addiction to other substances and activities. SMART Recovery� sponsors face-to-face meetings around the world, and daily online meetings. In addition, our online message board and 24/7 chat room are excellent forums to learn about SMART Recovery� and obtain addiction recovery support. If you're new to SMART Recovery�, get started with our introduction here."

As someone who has been to literally hundreds of NA meetings over the past ten years but who is also a trained mental health counselor, SMART Recovery� appeals to me in ways that NA does not. For the record, if NA or AA work for you, then by all means keep doing it. But for me, some of the ideals that NA holds sacred are the ones that I find most difficult to accept as a practicing clinician. Here are 4 ways that SMART Recovery� is different:

1. It's okay to have a mental illness.

When I was new to recovery, I just assumed that everybody who was in recovery also had a mental illness. This is called dual-diagnosis - basically, you are an addict AND you suffer from something like depression, anxiety, or bipolar. I was surprised to learn that this wasn't the case. It's probably a matter for debate, but I knew any number of recovering addicts who claimed that they had never experienced any mental health issues - aside from the addiction, of course, which invariably had ruined their lives. Moreover, I soon found that those addicts who did suffer from a mental illness were reluctant to admit it in the rooms. You would certainly talk about it with your sponsor, but these kinds of topics were considered controversial in a general meeting.

I never could understand why that seemed to be the case. I suspect it has something to do with NA's belief in a Higher Power and the power of The Program. The idea is, if you're working the program the way you should, your sanity should be restored and you get to be a productive member of society. Extremists in the groups would inevitably claim that you were not working the program to the best of your ability if you were still depressed or manic any of the other things that come with a mental illness. I suppose this is true for some, but it was certainly not the case for me.

SMART Recovery�, on the other hand, completely recognizes mental illness as a real thing, sometimes separate from the addiction but often times linked. They acknowledge "possible psychological factors" and members are treated accordingly. This just makes sense to me.

2. They support evidence based use of psychological treatments and the legal use of prescribed psychiatric medication.

This might be the single biggest difference between SMART Recovery� and NA. Both NA and AA make a point of separating themselves from "professional services." It's even against their guidelines to have trained clinicians involved in meetings. NA, for example, believes that "the therapeutic benefit of one addict helping another is without parallel." That sounds great, and for many it's true. Except when you think about it, you're talking about one sick person, with no training, helping another sick person. Admittedly, this does work for many, but why is it a bad idea to use evidence based therapy or even prescribed medications in the fight against addiction and co-occurring mental illness? Many members of NA despise the very idea of medication, for any reason. Some would go as far as to say you are not working an honest program if you are using any drug, prescribed or otherwise. total abstinence from everything.

While it is perhaps not a good idea for a recovering heroin user to take narcotic pain killers when Advil would do, this belief gets a bit more murky when you start looking at mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. These are conditions which can absolutely be managed with medication and therapy, bu the bottom line is that some schizophrenics are completely unable to function without their medication. In an example like this, abstinence from all substances seems like a horrible idea. I attended NA meetings for years, and was under a doctor's care the entire time for both severe anxiety and depression. I was prescribed medication for both. I told exactly zero people in NA about that part of my life. Not because I was ashamed, but because I didn't want to be accused of "relapsing" when all I was doing was taking legally prescribed medications. This ended up being a major reason I eventually stopped attending meetings. Even as a licensed counselor, I'm hesitant to talk with people about psychotropic medications, as I'm not a medical doctor. I simply don't think it's a good idea to have completely untrained people give medical advice about anything. But that's unfortunately what sometimes happens in the rooms of NA.

3. NA sees addiction an simple; SMART Recovery recognizes its complexity.

NA touts it's program as a simple program for complicated people. That sounds like a great idea. Except that addiction is a complicated disease that gets further complicated when you try to oversimplify it.

Consider the following: Not all addicts are built the same way. I know many addicts in recovery who claim they can get addicted to anything - heroin, crack, sex, soap operas, you name it. I know others who had their one drug of choice and who never really had problems with anything else. I was one of those types of addicts. I had what can best be described as a psychological addiction to marijuana. In my past, I've tried many other drugs. None of them really interested me. To this day, I have a beer occasionally, but I can't remember the last time I ever got drunk. I've also never been arrested or in trouble with the law, which for many addicts is the norm. All I'm saying is that we are not all alike. SMART Recovery� recognizes this. SMART Recovery� accepts that this is a complicated, multi-faceted disease. Some addicts require medication; some don't. Some addicts require hospitalization; some don't. Some addicts need therapy; others need accountability, direction, structure, or all of these things, or none.

4. SMART Recovery is based on science, not spirituality.

The following is taken from the SMART Recovery� FAQ section: SMART Recovery� has a scientific foundation, not a spiritual one. SMART Recovery� teaches increasing self-reliance, rather than powerlessness. SMART Recovery� meetings are discussion meetings in which individuals talk with one another, rather than to one another. SMART Recovery� encourages attendance for months to years, but probably not a lifetime. There are no sponsors in SMART Recovery�. SMART Recovery� discourages use of labels such as "alcoholic" or "addict."

If you've never been to a 12 Step meeting, the differences might not be obvious to you. But the differences are profound. At an NA meeting, if I speak, I'm supposed to say "Hi my name is Randy, and I'm an addict." It's weird if you don't. NA's position is that we have to accept who we are, and I do agree with that. But is it possible that we can change? I think it is. But if I went to an NA meeting and said "Hi my name is Randy and I used to be an addict," rest assured there would be drama.

Furthermore, the basic assumption with NA (and AA, for that matter) is that you attend those meetings FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Even if that is the right thing to do, how realistic do you suppose that is? Certainly some people do end up doing this, as addicts have a bad habit of dying young. SMART Recovery� on the other hand recognizes that at some point treatment has to stop. It's just the way things are. Professional counseling these days is centered around brief therapies that are really not supposed to last for more than six months. If you're seeing the same therapist five years later, you really have to ask yourself if any work is actually being done. Wouldn't the same thing be true with NA?

Finally, powerlessness was an issue that I always had with NA. It's also a HUGE part of their philosophy. We have to admit that we are powerless. Only then can we admit we need help. That's true, but the problem is that people tend to use powerlessness as an excuse for all sorts of things. SMART Recovery� advocates self-reliance, which is the cornerstone of any modern treatment modality. If we are to get better, we will need to lean on others at first, but eventually, we are going to have to lead our own lives. In addition to this being a more realistic way of looking at things, it also has the benefit of being tue.

If you have found success in the rooms of NA or AA, then by all means, I want to encourage you to keep doing what you are doing. It's obviously working for you, so why change it? But if you are like me, and parts of NA or AA just don't sit well with you, or you prefer a more scientifically-based approach to substance abuse treatment, check out SMART Recovery�. It's free, they offer meetings both online and in person, and they even have an online chat feature if you have any questions or concerns. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction, use whatever tools you have to fight this cunning and elusive disease. Check out SMART Recovery�.

Randy Withers is a professional mental health counselor in North Carolina. Visit his website, [http://www.counselinginsite.com]. Free information and resources for mental health and substance abuse issues.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Randy_Withers/2038900

Photo Recovery Software ???????

Top 6 Free Photo Recovery Software to Get Your Lost Photos Back

Top 6 Free Photo Recovery Software to Get Your Lost Photos Back
By Coco Qiu

Digital camera is quite popular now. In digital camera, all photos are stored in a small clip of memory card. This small clip is easily to be damaged logically or physically. Once damage happens, it will lose some or all the photos in it. About going CRAZY? Fortunately, most of the time we can restore these lost photos. And below I will introduce you some FREE photo recovery software which would help a lot for getting back lost photos. Notice that recovery software can only be helpful when the lost is not caused by physical damage.

1. Geeksnerds Digital Photo Recovery Software

Free recovery tool can recovers digital image files from hard disk drives, flash drives and other storage devices supporting FAT file system. It supports BMP, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF and Tif images and provides options for searching in Sub-folders. The best thing of it is that user can stop the process at any time of scanning process and recover the desired files, which saves lots of time.

However, this software can only recover digital image files lost due to accidental deletion.

2. AnyFound Photo Recovery

AnyFound Free Recovery Software supports recovery of photos, images, pictures and snap shots photographs by accidentally deleted, lost or missed from Windows hard disk partitions and removable storage devices.

Basically, Anyfound Photo Recovery is a good free photo recovery software. One of the weak points is that it can only recover image files. If you have some video in your camera, you can do nothing about it.

3. ArtPlus Digital Photo Recovery

Free Art Plus Digital Recovery tool can help you recover lost images from corrupted or accidentally formatted digital camera memory cards. And this program can read all memory cards currently available on the market.

4. Smart Image Recovery

Free Smart Image Recovery tool is an image recovery tool for deleted images restoration (jpg, gif, png) from any devices. The software is able to recover graphics even a drive was formatted or you re-write some files.

It supports OS Windows NT/XP/Vista/Windows® 7 as well.

5. PicaJet Photo Recovery

Free PicaJet Recovery helps you to recover deleted or formatted images from almost any type of media cards (just like MemoryStick, CompactFlash, SecureDigital, MicroDrive, MemoryStick, etc.) used by digital cameras.

6. MjM Free photo data recovery software

This free recovery software will only recover jpg photographs from formatted memory cards, deleted photos or corrupt memory cards. It is unable to recover photos from memory cards that are not recognized by windows as a device.

I believe that these free recovery software can be helpful. And when these software can't help you get a desirable recovery result, you need to use a cost software. The price of most cost photo recovery software is at a range from $39 to $129. I personally recommend Wondershare Photo Recovery which has a lowest price $29 and is now on discount of only $19.

A cost recovery tool like Wondershare Photo Recovery is simple to use. It can support recovery for comprehensive picture formats from any device. And it can not only recover lost photos but also lost videos in your camera. When users are using a free demo, they can scan to preview the recoverable images and only perform purchase when they think the recovery result is satisfying.

I know photos are really important to many persons and I understand how frustrating when you accidentally lost them. Hope that with all these excellent free recovery software, everyone can find the precious memory back!

This author is a student in Winston Collage who has great interests in System Security and regularly writes for Wondershare Data Recovery and Wondershare Photo Recovery [http://www.data-recovery-utilities.com/photo-recovery/#172].

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Coco_Qiu/452584