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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Managing Your Stocks: 5 Considerations

Managing Your Stocks: 5 Considerations!

Managing Your Stocks: 5 Considerations!
By Richard Brody

Although, some politicians, etc, emphasize, how the stock market, is performing, rather than the broader - picture/ scope, of the overall economy, it seems, very few, are properly prepared, and/ or, ready, to handle the principal necessities, of investing in stocks. It takes an open - mind, and the ability to focus, more on reality, than emotions, and consider, a variety, of, potentially, relevant factors! Having, been a Registered Representative, and Principal, of investment companies, for a considerable period of time, I feel, strongly, potential investors (especially, in the stock market), should, have a mindset, which considers, these variables, and proceeds, in a wiser, more - focused way. With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 significant considerations, regarding managing stock investing/ investment.

1. Evaluate fundamentals/ financials: Unfortunately, as in many things, these days, many people, overly, rely on the analysis/ opinions of others, instead of thoroughly, examining, a particular corporation's fundamentals, and what the audited, financial statements, mean, and represent. Read books, take courses, and understand, key terminology. Know, how to read, and understand, budgets, and financial statements. Why are analysts, making certain predictions, or analyses? Try to separate, emotion, from logic, from the onset!

2. What to do, when a stock's price, goes up?: A stock may go, up, stay - steady, or go, down, in price. What should one do, when the price of a particular stock, goes up, after you purchase, it? Ask, yourself, if you didn't already, own it, would you, buy, at the higher price? If the answer is, yes, then, buy additional shares! If not, sell what you own? If you aren't sure, then, it makes sense, to hold, or sell - off, some of these, to ensure, you don't lose money, if/ when, prices drop! Be objective!

3. Stock's price remains steady!: What strategy, is logical, and a smart - approach, if/ when, the price, remains, about the same, as when, you, originally, invested? Don't fall, into the trap, of becoming, emotionally - attached to the particular stock, but, rather, after a period, of time, consider, whether, again, if, you were investing, anew, would you be putting your hard - earned money, on this corporation! If, yes, hold, and consider, buying more shares, but, if not, sell - off, your position!

4. Stock goes down: What should you do, if it goes down, in price? Some, panic, and immediately, either, sell - off, or consider, doing so! While, that might be wise, in some instances, the wisest approach, is, to, again, ask, yourself, whether, you still believe in the particular, company, and, if, you do, perhaps, you should, invest in more shares!

5. Short, intermediate, or longer - term: Consider, whether, you are, looking, mostly, at the short - term/ immediate results, a more, intermediate one, and/ or, the longer - run? Know, and remember, why you purchased? Was your intention, growth, or income, or a combination? Are your objectives/ goals/ expectations, somewhat - realistic?

Before investing, fully understand, what the principal considerations, may be, and your personal comfort zone! Always, consider these, as well as the potential, risk/ reward basis!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and actively involved in financial planning, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and JOIN the RICH IDEAS, Facebook group

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539

Mother Enmeshed Men:

Mother Enmeshed Men: Does A Mother Enmeshed Man Need To Change His Perception?

Mother Enmeshed Men: Does A Mother Enmeshed Man Need To Change His Perception?
By Oliver JR Cooper

If a man is "enmeshed" to his mother, it is likely to mean that he didn't receive what he needed to receive during his early years. Therefore, he hasn't simply chosen to become entangled with his mother as an adult; he has always been this way.

What this means is that it is not just about him drawing the line with his mother, letting her be responsible for herself and then living his own life. Due to what is going on for him, there is a lot more to it than this.

An Infective Approach

He could be told that he needs to "get it together" or even that he needs to "man up and to look after his family", for instance. While there could be an element of truth to what he is told and the person saying something like this could have his best interests at heart, it might not matter.

After being told something like this, he could end up feeling ashamed and this could cause him to experience resistance. He could also end up getting angry straight away, or soon after.

Connecting To His World

So, keeping in mind that a big part of him will feel emotionally entangled with his mother, it can mean that he won't even be aware of how caught up he is in his mother's life. Ultimately, how he experiences life can just be what is normal to him.

That doesn't mean that a small part of him won't get the sense that something isn't right, but that could be about as far as it will go. If this is the case, it can show that he will need to understand that the truth is that he is on this planet to live his own life, not his mother's.

Two Levels

At this stage, then, a large part of him, at a mental level, will believe that he is here to fulfil his mother's needs, and, practically all of him, at an emotional level, will feel that this is the right thing to do. The part of him that has the biggest effect on his life is what is taking place at the second level.

For example, if behaving in this way didn't feel right, there would be no reason for him to do so. Yet, for there to be a shift at this level of his being, it is likely that what is taking place up top will need to change.

A Powerful Experience

Now, this is not to say that what is taking place at an emotional level won't need to be altered in order for there to be a shift at a mental level. Naturally, both of these parts will need to be affected for there to be a change in his behaviour.

What it comes down to is that for him to truly change at an emotional level, he will most likely need to engage in emotional work. And, before this takes place, he will need to be in the right place mentally to engage in this kind of work.

A Process

Taking this into account, if a man is more or less fully entangled with his mother and only a very small part of him realises this, it is likely that it will take a while for him to change. First, he will need to be able to fully recognise what is going on, and, after this, he will need to start working through his emotional pain.

For him to get to the first stage, he may need to have at last one experience that will shake him up a bit. This could be something that will take place after a woman can clearly see what is going on and brings it up or after a relationship has fallen apart.

A Seed Has Been Planted

Once this has taken place, he will have been opened up to the fact that he is not living as he should. There can be times when his mind will try to deny this and want him to carry on as he did before, but this won't last forever.

Thanks to his shift in consciousness, he will start to see things differently. However, this doesn't mean that he won't still be entangled to his mother; what it means is that a big part of him will know that how he feels doesn't reflect the truth.

Adult Self

This part of him will see that how he feels when he puts himself first as opposed to his mother will just be a reflection of his early years. Instead of feeling guilty, ashamed and doubtful for putting his needs first, he will know that he should feel comfortable behaving in this way.

As he had to fulfil his mothers needs very early on, it would have set him to up believe that there was something inherently wrong with his own needs. Along with this, as his developmental needs were rarely, if ever met, it would have caused him to stay in a developmentally stunted and, thus, enmeshed, state.

Two Key Roles

In other words, if he had received the right nutrients during this stage of his life, he wouldn't be in this position as an adult. There is then nothing inherently wrong with him; he is simply missed out on what he needed.

In addition to what wasn't provided by his mother, there would have been what his father was unable to provide him. His father would have slowly pulled him out of his mother's world and given him the support that he needed to start the individuation process.


If a man can relate to this and he is ready to do the emotional work, he may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided with the assistance of a therapist or healer.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, inner child and inner awareness. With over two thousand, seven hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/

Feel free to join the Facebook Group -

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Oliver_JR_Cooper/818466

The Needed GOALS

The Needed GOALS OF A Quality, Public Leader!

The Needed GOALS OF A Quality, Public Leader!
By Richard Brody

Although, many are elected, selected, and/ or, ascend to positions, of significant, public leadership, and supposed - responsibility/ service, it often seems, very - few, are ready, willing, and able to make the needed, difference, for the better, the public, often, needs, and deserves! Unfortunately, due to several factors, too many voters/ citizens, either, don't care, or lack the desire/ understanding, to focus on all the options, and how one, might serve in a specific position, and base their decisions, on factors, such as personality/ likeability, personal biases, overly partisan factors, or campaign promises/ rhetoric, empty visions, etc. With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, the needed (and, desirable) GOALS, of truly, quality, public leaders/ officials.

1. Generate goodwill; greater good; guiding: Public officials should be guided, by, the greater good, combined with common sense, in order to, consistently, attempt to generate, the maximum degree of goodwill! We should be able to expect, those we elect, to have a guiding, influence, where they truly, lead, instead of resorting to blaming, complaining, and procrastination!

2. Options; opportunities; open - mind: How one considers options, and makes decisions, often, determines results! One must be ready and willing, to consider opportunities, with an open - mind, and if, these don't present, themselves, must, proactively, create the finest, possible, opportunity!

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention; agenda; articulate: It should be, a responsibility, and duty, of every public leader, to clearly, articulate an inspiring, motivating, message, which pays keen attention, to the actual needs, etc, of the nation and our citizens! It takes considerable, aptitude, to bring - forward, a meaningful agenda, which, hopefully, will make a difference, for the better!

4. Listen; learn; leading; lessons: If they would, thoroughly learn, the relevant lessons, from the past, fewer, recurring mistakes, would probably, occur! Far, too often, although, some may hear, too - few, actually, listen, effectively! Shouldn't that be, one of the key requirements, of really, leading?

5. System; solutions; sustainable; service; stronger: It takes a willingness, readiness, and the skill - set, to perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, the finest, possible system! These must focus - on, real solutions, which are, relevant, and sustainable! What good does it do, if these, don't make our society, government, and citizens, stronger, and better?

Wake up, America, and demand, better, from those you vote, to serve and represent you, and the nation's best - interests! Consider, if an individual, is the right one, to meet, and exceed, these, needed GOALS!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539

The reality of leadership is, often, some are fit, and ready to lead, and others, may not be!

Why Would You SHINE As A Leader?

Why Would You SHINE As A Leader?
By Richard Brody

The reality of leadership is, often, some are fit, and ready to lead, and others, may not be! After, over four decades of involvement, in, nearly, all areas, related to effectively, leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to, personally, serving as a leader, on several occasions, I strongly believe, although many aspects of getting things done, need professionally - designed, training, essential factors, such as one's quality of character, personal motivation, willingness to expand one's personally - restrictive, comfort zone, etc, often, are the determining causes, of whether, someone, will, truly, SHINE, in that position. With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, represents, and demands, and why it matters.

1. Service; self - confidence; sustainable; solution; stronger/ strengthen/ strengths: The best candidates, consistently, proceed with, and maintain, significant levels, of actual, self - confidence, combined with a commitment, to represents stakeholders, with the highest degree of service! His goals are to use his personal strengths, effectively, to strengthen others, in order to make his group, stronger, and more relevant! One must be prepared, and willing, to pursue, and implement, the most essential, sustainable solutions, consistently, and in the most meaningful, compelling, motivating manner!

2. Head/ heart; hearing; humane; honor/ honesty: How one balances his emotional, and logical components, determines, his ability to pursue options, using an important, head/ heart balance! He uses his hearing, in order to effectively listen, and learn! Great leaders must be considered, and perceived as, being, truly humane, and caring, and must, consistently, proceed, with the ultimate degree of personal honor, and honesty!

3. Integrity; ideas; imagination; insights; inspiring: Absolute integrity, especially, when it requires commitment, and is challenging, must be a guiding measure, in proceeding, with a well - developed, imagination, which might assist him, in perceiving and conceiving of, creating, and implement meaningful ideas, which lead - to, significant, relevant, sustainable, strategic and action plans! We need leaders, whose, insights, are inspiring to others, and drives them, to greater commitment!

4. Needs; nerve; nuances: Identifying priorities, perceptions, and needs, and aligning them, with the particular, nuances, of the specific organization, requires significant nerve, and a willingness, to think - outside - the - box!

5. Empathy; emphasis; energy/ energize; excellence; endurance: It, often, takes consistency, and endurance, for a potential leader, to prove, he is a real one! The commitment to excellence, rather than settling for good - enough, genuine empathy (and, placing one's emphasis, based, on this process), are necessary, to proceed, with the level of personal energy, which energizes his organization, and his constituents!

Are you willing, to do, what's needed, to SHINE, as a leader? Are you up to the tasks?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539